Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Don't let perfect be the enemy of good enough.

I am a perfectionist. Unfortunately, that means that if I know I can't do something perfectly, I am more likely to just not do it at all than make any sort of attempt. This attitude is absolutely terrible for weight loss. "Oh, I don't know the calories in my lunch... I guess I just won't track today at all" "Crap, I can't do a full workout at the gym, might as well not even go" I'm sure I'm not the only one who has thoughts like this. And the worst part is that these kind of thoughts can snowball. Before I know it, I'm telling myself things like "Well, I don't even have a workout routine that I'm following, so working out is just pointless right now" or "I know I'm going to overindulge at that party this weekend, so what's the point of tracking this week?"

This line of thinking is nothing more than self-sabotage and I refuse to sabotage myself with the desire to be perfect any more. I'm not perfect. That doesn't mean I can't be good enough. I don't have time to follow a workout routine and go to the gym right now. But I do have time to do the seven minute workout on my Echo Show. I'm not going to be able to track everything I eat, but I can still track what I know and use estimates for the rest. Here's to ending the year not perfect, but good enough!

submitted by /u/TheVillageOxymoron
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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