Monday, December 2, 2019

Got a much needed reminder of how far I've come today.

About four months ago I sustained an injury, I've managed to rehab to the point that my everyday life is unaffected but I can't take part in all the sports I had been participating in prior to my injury. I'm unfortunately going to need surgery followed by a long recovery before I can return to the sports I love and not every day is a good day for me right now, I'm finding it hard to cope and injury-related depression is a real thing.

I've also put the last of my weight loss pretty much on hold because honestly right now, it's just too hard to think about plus my physio recommended eating at maintenance anyway to help build up muscle mass faster. So even though I do still have a bit of weight left to lose, probably between about 7 to 15 kilograms it's currently on the backburner. That's also been adding to the feeling of failing and just general unhappiness.

But today I was tidy up and organising the spare room because I'm probably going to have to spend a few weeks sleeping in the spare bed after my surgery and I did not want to be living in what is basically a glorified storage room. During the tidy up I found a photo of me from approximately 10 years and ~70kg ago and it was a very timely reminder of what I'm capable of. It was proof of my success and proof that even though life is shit right now and my progress has stalled for that I Can Do This and that when the time is right I'll do it again and 'finish' this thing.

Picture of me about 10 years ago vs. now.

submitted by /u/vivian_lake
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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