Wednesday, December 4, 2019

It's going to get better - a LOT better

M29 - lost 8lb since my last post, two weeks ago (299 then vs 291 now, started 3 months ago at 341).

However, a lot of stuff happened in the meantime. I went to a conference where I met more than 20 former colleagues, I partied with them (hadn't seen them in years), got some really nasty stuff happening at work and had three trips over the span of two weeks (in fact, I'm leaving for the airport again in less than 2 hours). All of that threw me off game: I booked 2 4-start hotels and one 5-star one but only the 5-star one had a decent gym. I was also very realistic: I haven't seen some of the people in over 6 years, of course I had a nice dinner with them and drinks! And yet, I'm happy to say that the weight loss has continued.

Today was particularly bad: last night was quite cold in Amsterdam (where I live) and so was in the morning. My bed was so warm and comfy and, if I'm honest, I had to "throw" myself out of it, onto the cold floor, to prepare for the gym. I did it and it was f*cking awful: it was cold and miserable and not even coffee tasted the same. Want to know why I still did it? Because things have been getting better ever since I started losing weight.

Even at 291lb I'm getting checked out by random girls at least once a day.

My clothes no longer fit me. Instead, the nice clothes that I bought without trying them on and then was too ashamed to return them because they were too small now start to fit. And I don't need to remind you that "normal people clothes" are much more fashionable than "plus sized clothes".

I'm getting a lot more energetic and got a huge boost in stamina, even though I'm constantly in a caloric deficit. I can climb stairs effortlessly, I can lug around my luggage for miles on end without breaking a sweat.

When I'm fasting I feel fantastic, from a mental perspective: I get so much clarity and I can concentrate so much easier. I have decided that I will permanently incorporate fasting into my lifestyle and use it not just to regulate my body but also when I know big decisions are coming up.

In a post about 6 weeks ago I mentioned that I'm focusing my efforts on building muscle. That's starting to show: I actually enjoy watching myself in the mirror after post-workout shower, when my muscles are still pretty swollen. They're not completely covered in fat anymore and I'm seeing a much more masculine shape.

And so, I went to the gym this morning. I took my pre-workout to seal the deal (if you don't already know, a strong pre-workout will make your skin itch all over unless you start exercising within 15-20 minutes of taking it) and started my back+triceps routine. The first set was absolutely AMAZING. My body was actually looking forward to exercising, I just didn't realize it. Fast forward 35 minutes and I'm finishing my workout, all sweaty but victorious against the weights.

There was even a good-looking girl that, somehow, kept doing her routine right next to me even as I was switching locations, checking me out every now and then.

To all of you out there struggling to keep doing what you're supposed to be doing: it's going to be hard and it's going to be painful but get the hell out that door because you're going to do it and it's going to be AMAZING.

As for me ... 50 lb down, 81 lb to go.

submitted by /u/tudorcj
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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