Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Trying once again

Hey, all.

I've gone up and down with my weight aaalllll my life. Childhood abuse, depression & bipolar cause me to binge eat. That's my issue. I had lost 75 lbs last year or so and was feeling excellent... and I've gained it all back and more in a few months.

I always do this. Sometimes I get to my goal weights and keep it down, stay healthy for a few years, but with perimenopause I'm struggling extra hard now. I know what to do. I know how to do it, as well. I just need to start - so I decided to hell with wallowing in my pity. I'll just re-lose that weight again, and hopefully more.

I'm quite afraid to actually see my weight now, because it will put me off and stop me again. I know from a recent dr visit I was over 300, and I'm short - 5' 5 or 4.

I think I'll have my husband help with measuring me instead.

Just posting for support and because writing it down someplace should help cement my resolve once more. I have several baby step weight loss goals and here's to hoping I'm going to make them with your help these coming months!

submitted by /u/Loud-Mans-Lover
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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