Monday, December 23, 2019

Worryingly rapid weight loss pattern

I am a 5'9" now 188 pound, 21M, no relevant medications. I had Lyme disease twice in my life for a long time undiagnosed, and it made me sedentary and caused me to balloon. I first started trying to lose weight about a year and a half ago and I've been quite successful...I started at 234 pounds on July 15, 2018 and as aforementioned, I've lost 46 pounds and am now at 188. Here's where it gets weird. My weight loss follows a very bizarre pattern: when I first started, I would consistently lose two and half to three pounds a day, and this wasn't just water weight, it happened consistently, right until my weight broke through to about 198 pounds, which is the level I stopped at for a while. At this time my deficit was about 1500 calories a day. The all important catch: it works the other way, too. If I have a cheat day, or even just eat normally, I gain back like ten pounds. My appetite is absolutely enormous, to the point that I don't think I've ever managed to go a full week without a cheat day, and my cheat days are EPIC, to the point that it's a running gag with my friends...I'll start with a few muffins, go eat like three burritos, a milkshake, and a couple grilled cheeses, then eat like three pounds of Mac and cheese and a slice of cake for dinner. The way I've lost the weight is by steadily whittling it down; like I'd get to 220 pounds, then do my cheat day and go back to 230, then steadily work my way down and eat right for a couple extra days and get to 216, then do it again and go back to 226, get back down again and push the limit a little further, and that approach got me to where I am today. The fluctuations have gotten a little more stabile as my weight loss has progressed...I only lose one pound a day when it's new weight loss and gain back like six when I have a cheat day (these days my daily calories deficit is about 2100 calories a day, I swim like crazy). It's still pretty extreme though. I've been recording my weight in a log, and here are some excerpts from this month and last month that show it. All numbers are in pounds, taken on the morning of the listed day, with no clothes on immediately after waking up and using the restroom, same way and time every day.

(Did a cheat day on 11/22; to this point the least I've ever weighed is 192.5)

11/23: 203.3

11/24: 197.8

11/25: 194.5

11/26: 191.9

11/27: 191.4

(I go off the wagon for a few days during Thanksgiving, at this point the least I've ever weighed is 191.4)

12/1: 199.5

12/2: 195

12/3: 194.1

12/4: 192.3

12/5: 191.4

12/6: 190.1

12/7: 189.6

12/8: 188.3

12/9: 188.4 (But I was totally constipated after taking yesterday's measurement, and if you don't poop at all but weigh the exact same the next day you probably lost at least another pound)

For the record, I have checked my scale against my parents' multiple times and they always get the same numbers. It can't just be water weight if it's gone on this long and if I blow through my previous lowest points and continue losing a pound a day from there. This pattern has held steadily across multiple different diets; when I first started losing weight I ate a diet of low-fat meat, vegetables, fruit, and diet puddings and now I am just swimming laps and ruthlessly counting calories and it's the same. I don't eat any salty/sodium rich foods in these diets that might easily explain such swings. I also have zero family history of any sort of diabetes, which seems to be the main rapid weight loss causing disease. I did test as being prediabetic when I was at my fattest, but from what I've read even full blown diabetes is an incredibly reversible condition if you get on it quickly, so I would be very surprised if that was it.

This pattern is a headache because it makes it very hard to keep weight off. I lost forty pounds in the first four months, and then spent like the next year gaining back twenty pounds of it and fighting it off again before starting to break new ground again the past few months.

Does anyone have any insight for me on this? I've been looking around the internet for info but I haven't been able to find anything. It's been occurring lately that this isn't normal and doesn't seem healthy...your body isn't supposed to lose its fat reserves this quickly. Any info, insights, or experience would be appreciated. I am trying to go to a GP but I have to find a new one because my old one is now out of network. Thank you.

submitted by /u/historygunguy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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