Thursday, March 26, 2020

Can I just eat less i.e. portion control, at least to start?

I’ve started hundreds of times. The starting is the easy part for me. The staying started is where it all falls apart. When I only use CICO and MFP I have wild success, losing 20+ pounds in a month, but then after that first month I lose momentum and revert back to my old ways.

My therapist and I are constantly working on reframing my goal setting mindset by employing the Premack principle, finding areas to slip in little changes or tiny habits as Dr. BJ Fogg says, and focus on Atomic Habits per James Clear. But reprogramming my brain is slow going. I’m making progress but not nearly as quick as I would like. Together we’ve determined that the easiest thing for me to do that has the highest probability of sustained success is to start way way way small and that is by continuing to eat how I’ve always (past 7 years) been eating, just eating less of it. No over stuffing myself, paying extremely close attention to what I’m eating allowing myself to eat what I want just not as much of it. If I want a candy bar I’m still going to eat a candy bar, just maybe not 3 or 4 of them at a time.

Is this stupid? Do I just need to buckle up, keep trying again and again to do CICO religiously, follow my fitness plan to a tee, and just get on with it until it sticks? It hasn’t worked so far but maybe I’m just not trying hard enough? Ultimately I’m trying to find sustained success and weight loss. And for the love of god I just don’t want to start over again. I want to stay started, for good.

I want this so bad and I want to be thin now but I am ready to succumb to what is realistic and most likely for me to achieve success with. I hope once I get going for a while, and stay started, then I can snowball into more and more positive changes like maybe working my way back to CICO and a regimented fitness plan. I just need to get and stay started, for starters.

Any help, tips, guidance, constructive criticism, and pep talks would be most appreciated. I feel like I’m drowning here, paralyzed in self doubt and fear of yet another failure.

submitted by /u/YouShouldWalk
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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