Monday, March 30, 2020

Lost 50 lbs and even with progress pics I can't tell a difference

Hi all. I started losing weight in Late July 2019. I have tracked my calories every single day since then, and, factoring in a long plateau from November-February, I have so far lost 51 lbs, from 274.4 to, as of yesterday morning, 222.8 lbs. I am extremely excited to hit this huge milestone, and I have not lost steam at all. My lowest adult weight was 213, and I'm absolutely determined to hit that soon, and to eventually hit my goal weight. I have no doubt that I will.

That being said, I do have an issue. I know a lot of people say that your focus shouldn't be solely on the scale, but instead on how your clothes fit, how you feel, "non-scale victories". The thing is, for me, I have absolutely none. I'm still wearing all my same clothes and they fit the same. I don't feel like I've lost an ounce of weight. I even just took a progress pic in the same clothes and same mirror as at my highest weight, and compared them side by side, and I literally don't see a difference. Maybe some slightly different shadows, but the lighting is different so that could explain it. I definitely don't feel any different. Without my scale, it may as well feel like I still weight 274 lbs. How could I lose almost 20% of my weight, shrink by nearly a FIFTH, and not notice a difference? The only way I know that it's not just my scale glitching is that I've had one coworker comment on my weight loss. That is the ONLY way besides my scale that I know I've lost weight. Meanwhile I see posts on here after someone's lost 5% of their weight, commenting on how they've lost a notch on their belt or their jawline is a little slimmer. Obviously I'm super happy for them, but I can't relate at all. Fifty pounds gone and not the slightest detectable difference. Is this normal? Is it all in my head? How can I fix this?

submitted by /u/frontcross359
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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