Friday, March 27, 2020

F30 5'8" - 135lbs and the very definition of "skinnyfat"

Way back in 2007 BU (Before University) I was consistently around 125 lbs and I looked great. Maybe a little bit on the thin side, but not starving to death. I ate a lot, exercised a lot. It was fine.

Now, in 2020 PPHD (Post-PhD) I'm struggling with my weight for a few years. Grad and undergrad gave me a lot of opportunities to sit on my ass and eat whatever the hell I wanted. And boy, did I. Then I got into an awful relationship that made me want to take comfort in food. And boy, did I. At my heaviest I was maybe 155 lbs. I know that's not a lot compared to what some people here are dealing with, but as a lifelong thin person it really crushed my ego.

After some on-again-off-again dieting and improved exercise, I've been down to 127 lbs and now I'm back up to 137 lbs. And I still look chubby. I am the poster-girl for "skinnyfat". I've got a ton of fat around my hips and my lower stomach and I hate it. I also have a double chin. There are girls on here who are 5'6", even 5'4" who look way, way better at 140 lbs, even 150 lbs than I do even at 135 lbs? HOW?!


Obligatory apology for awful lighting, toothpaste on mirror, and unprofessional tattoo coverup job. XD

And no, the lines you see around my rib cage are not my ribs. They're fat waves.

I know that there's no such thing as targeted weight loss, but is there something else that might be causing this? And something I could do to fix it? Do I need to be focusing on toning, rather than straight weight loss?

submitted by /u/ladyasa
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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