Thursday, May 14, 2020

Binge Eating Sugar

Hi everyone,

I am wondering if someone can point me towards some helpful resources for dealing with my longstanding weight loss nemesis - sugar. This post does contain some information I think is relevant to the problem and is therefore a bit longer. So I will put a TLDR at the bottom.

I have a problem with craving sugar to the point where sometimes it is all I can think about. Many times when I do finally eat a bit of it, it is like letting loose a flood gate and suddenly I eat a tremendous amount of it in a short window. I find myself unable to think clearly enough in that time to stop myself and afterward I am annoyed that I have given into my binge eating habit again. My apologies if using the term "binge eating" is not correct here. But I will literally eat and eat and eat until I am way passed full.

I find this problem particularly aggravating for me as I am quite capable of the mental discipline necessary to make big lifestyle and dietary changes without going back. As an example, I have only been eating a vegan diet for the last 1.5 years (this was done for animal and environmental reasons, not weight loss) and have had absolutely zero desire or temptation to eat meat or animal products. I also have no problem working out 5 times a day every week and have consistently been doing so, getting up at 5:30 am, for the last several years.

So it bothers me a lot that I cannot seem to stop myself from doing this one, self destructive, behavior. I know binge eating like this is bad for me, I know the weight I keep packed on from doing it is bad for me and will likely cause early death, but I cannot seem to stop myself from doing it. As I mentioned before, there are many days where all I can think about is eating sugary foods and resisting the temptation takes everything I have. However, many times, I am not able to do so. Does anyone have an idea of why I am behaving this way and what I might need to do to address the problem? Any resources you think I should read or look into would also be helpful.

TLDR: I cant seem to stop myself from regularly binge eating sugar. While doing it I eat way past the point of feeling full. Why am I doing it and what can I do to stop it?

Thank you.

submitted by /u/CommanderCanuck22
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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