Thursday, May 14, 2020

I can't do any lower body exercises right now. Are arm workouts enough to keep losing?

I need to lose around 30 pounds and I used to do a nice mixture of weights and cardio when I was at a healthy weight, so I've been getting back into that. Unfortunately I've developed knee problems over the years which I'm now going through physio for, but it means I can't I can't do anything related to my lower body right now.

The only thing I can do is work my shoulders, triceps, back, etc., but I feel like I'm barely doing anything just stood in my living room lifting weights, especially compared to a full-on cardio workout of jumping and squatting. I know weight loss is mostly related to diet (and I'm putting a lot of focus on that, of course), but I was wondering if it's still worth doing these arm workouts while my knees heal? Am I getting anything out of it?

Also, please hit me up with any good upper body workouts you have!

submitted by /u/iwillsingnorequiem
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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