Sunday, May 10, 2020

Emotional component of binge eating

Hi guys, I know that, for many people, binge eating is caused by past trauma. I think that for me it's my childhood emotional abuse that started it.

Trying to find solutions, I stumbled upon a youtube channel called "Eating Disorder Recovery for a New Beginning", it seems to have gone unnoticed, but the advice there is amazing.

For example, I realized that for me, the tension generated by anger and anxiety is always located on the food trajectory (usually around esophagus-stomach), and eating makes it go away.

Also, there is one video about sabotaging weight loss where they ask "what are you afraid will happen if you lose the weight", and I realized that I am afraid that, by being thin, I will atract a lot of unwanted male attention and I will have to say no to a lot of persistent guys. I used to be thin and that actually caused me a lot of anxiety.

I spent a long time searching for advice like this, so I thought that I would share to help other people who are struggling. I hope this is not considered off-topic, but if it is, my apologies.

submitted by /u/illusion737
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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