Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Help Me Lose Weight Please!!

Hey guys, my name is Christian and I am 18 years old. I just graduated from High School in California, but let me tell you, it was the worst 4 years of my life. Not academic wise, but weight and exercise wise.

Freshman Year: I had just gotten admitted to High School, I was a fit kid, not on any way of muscle tone or not being fat, but I definitely felt ten billions time better. In middle school I was the center for my schools Varsity Basketball team which we reached the Semifinals after only losing our very first game of the season, and we were dominating. Anyways, as the year went on, i gained a lot of weight, i only did Marching Band (yes, i was a band nerd) and due to this, i never really had time to do any other sports. I did not want to do Basketball because I felt like i was not good enough due to my height and was not as fit as these other kids. At this point of my life, I weighed 230 at 5'5 at the age of 14.

8th GRADE AND FRESHMAN YEAR: https://imgur.com/a/9f6OZQ0

Sophomore Year: I never really cared or noticed my weight to be honest until I saw my sophomore year ID picture compared to my freshman year picture. I had gained a LOT of weight. I was 260, only doing marching band and was very shy. I stayed in my clique of anime weebs and video game nerds. I felt safe and just binge ate, played instruments for competition, had a lot of fun, and everything was nice in my life. I always had that in the back of my head i had gained a lot of weight. I was 260, 5'7, and 15 years old. Honestly, my struggles had never hit me until Junior Year.

SOPHOMORE YEAR: https://imgur.com/x8PbIcE

Junior Year: I started the year off in Strength in Conditioning due to accidentally being given wrong classes. I got out of the class after about a day of waiting for my correct classes. Being in that class was the scariest thing I have ever done, because at this point, i was so self conscious, that i hated myself. I still do hate myself. But at that time, I was going through a rough time with my SO breaking up with me, which i found out was to make me happy and not lead me on anymore. This added so much more weight to me. I gained so much weight that I was depressed not only from the breakup, but also from the fact I couldnt go to beaches, waterparks, or even in my own pool with my family without feeling self-conscious. I never take off my shirt anymore, i never walk around with just underwear and shorts on. I never do this stuff at home anymore, I always walked around in public with a jacket, I still do. One good thing came out of this though, I entered myself into Golf, and it was so much fun, i never lost weight but it was genuinely fun and it made me feel good. Towards the end of the year, I tried to go to the gym and start weight loss, but it sadly did not work out as i QUICKLY quit. I never went to any dances either or any school activities.

JUNIOR YEAR: https://imgur.com/a/sIib21K

Senior Year: My last year of high school, i had prom and grad night, and everything waiting for me. Long Story short, covid hit as you know. But at the beginning of the year, i was the heaviest i have ever been, i was 280, at 5'10, and at 17/18 years old. Dear god I am fat, was what i thought every day of my school year. I never worked out, I never did anything to even try to lose the weight. I am depressed as all hell.

SENIOR YEAR: https://imgur.com/a/2o627XV

5/26/2020 (date of typing): I am currently 18 years old, at 285 and gaining more. I dont get out at all, because i am afraid of working out in front of others. I am afraid to walk outside my room. I dont have my own room because I have to share a room with my mom. The thing is though, I am full of regrets now as I never went to dances, I never went out with friends or played basketball during lunch with the other guys. I was always scared. Mind you I went to an All boys school. I dont know what the hell to do anymore. I have HUGE man boobs now, bigger than some girls. It is all mostly fat granted, but i am scared. I know if I keep going down this path I will eventually have a heart attack at 30. I am genuinely scared and I am not ready for it. I need help, I need a food plan, i need an exercise plan. I wanted to join the Navy, but i cant because i am not healthy enough for that, and I have small asthma, its gotten worse as I have gotten fatter. I run out of breathe faster as well. Please any help with do. just anything. I dream to be down to a comfortable 190, maybe even 180. I want to be comfortable, i want to ride rides without worrying im fat. please

submitted by /u/WormV2
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2TXdLm7

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