Thursday, May 7, 2020

Rant: Back to losing it (again)

Hi all,

I’m 28F 5’4 SW 147 CW 142.4 GW 132 and not new here. I lost 10 pounds last year (hit 133) over 4 months thanks to browsing this subredddit and 1200isplenty. It was so challenging but CICO mostly worked! Back then I was living in USA, cooking my own meals and switched to healthy options. I thought I’d nailed it for the most part.

2020 came and I moved to a new city (without my significant other) and a new job and started stress eating (no excuses but French fries šŸŸ helped me cope) I ended up gaining back 7-8 pounds and then COVID happened. I came back home to be with my husband and quarantined at home for 2 weeks = more eating and confined to a room. I gained almost all the weight I lost back and I am now back to CICO and weight loss. Hoping to hit 135 and maintain there. Feels much harder this time, as my meals are cooked by my mother in law/grandma and it’s hard to gauge calories. I’ve cut out fried snacks for most part and gone to eating very less per meal as I wasn’t losing on eating my usual portions and now finally the pounds are falling. I’m also working out everyday but I miss my low calorie tortilla instead of home made bread and cauli rice instead of real rice. They helped me volume eat and actually helped me stay full. Currently my portion sizes are quite sad! Anyway end of rant. The scale is finally moving in the right direction so I’m gonna keep it at.

Wish me luck as I do this yet again!!

submitted by /u/ChubbyDesi4
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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