Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Something has finally clicked

I've never been comfortable with my weight. I'm aware I have a good degree of body dysphoria that I'm not sure what to do about, because it doesn't really affect my daily life. However, when I look back at pictures of me as a teenager (I'm 21 now), I look good and healthy. I had puppy fat, but that's all it was - puppy fat. I know I can't trust my own judgement of my body just by looking, I need science and a credible proven perspective.

So today, after getting back into calorie counting for what might be the 5th-6th time, I decided to write down in a table how many calories I'm eating a day, and how much weight loss that would correspond to. After faffing around a bit, I saw that, even if I was to eat nothing for the entire month, I'd still only lose a maximum of 9kg a month. At a TDEE of 2000 calories, if I was to eat what MFP reckons is my calorie goal to lose 0.5kg a week, I'd still only lose 2kg a month. When your weight can fluctuate by what, 2-3kg a day, I won't even see results! This is normally where I fall off the wagon. I do it for a month, I hate every minute of it, being hungry from having a small breakfast, or binge eating, when I wouldn't even normally binge eat if I wasn't tracking my calories, see no results and think "what's the point, it doesn't work anyway".

The key point is that you have to keep doing it to see results.

THIS IS OBVIOUS. Or at least, it should have been obvious to me. I'm a physicist, I live and breath the scientific method, but it wasn't until I'd put numbers in a table and made predictions that it finally clicked for me. Up until now I just kept falling off the wagon, with excuses about why it wasn't working. In reality, I just suck at doing things if I don't get results. But I didn't realise that results take time. I can't evaluate after a month to see if it's working or not, because, like in any experiment I'd do, if you look for results too soon, you won't see them. It doesn't mean the experiment is a failure, just that you have to wait a bit longer.

I'm finally starting to identify what does and doesn't work for me, and where my thinking is going wrong, and that works for one person may not necessarily work for me. Small breakfasts don't work for me. I feel like I'm starving after 2 hours, at which point I eat, but then don't compensate by taking any calories off lunch or dinner, putting me above my goal for the day. However, quarantine is working great for me in the respect that I'm getting up around dinner time, and only eating 2 meals, meaning I can eat more per meal, have room for snacks, and still be under my goal, and I think I'm also technically doing a 16-8 intermittent fast by doing this.

I'm hoping this time, with a specific, attainable, time-posted goal, that I might actually be able to stay on the bandwagon, and start seeing results. Here's to hoping!

submitted by /u/OwlRememberYou
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2WvxIRm

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