Tuesday, September 1, 2020

After just 10 lbs, I already feel loads better


For reference, I only have about 30 lbs to really lose, but I know that makes it just that much harder because my margins have to be slimmer (no pun intended). I am 23f, SW: 195, CW: 185, GW: 155. I am 5'9". In college, I was an athlete and while I am unsure of my exact weight, I was a size 6 or 8 Women's US at about 140 or so pounds. Now I am around a size 12 or 14, but I am determined to get back to where I was. After college, life just happened: I got married, stress from my first ever adult job, not as much free time, etc.

My first red flags were encounters with a couple health professionals. First, my gynecologist noted my significant weight gain and slightly elevated BP at my yearly check-up and very gently (bless her heart) reccomended that I "start adding healthy habits and exercise back into [my] routine." Second, I had the opportunity to consult a personal trainer for free on one occasion at a local gym. He took my body fat percentage. It was 33%!!! He, very softly and kindly, told me something along the lines of "young lady, i probably do not have to tell you why that is not good." It was so embarrassing.

This was all several months ago and since then, I have very slowly lost 10 pounds. I have been doing a combo of WW and CICO. I have had my ups and downs and I would like to buckle down and get more serious about my weight loss, but here are some differences I've noticed that make me feel a ton better:

  1. I actually enjoy exercise now. I hike, rollerskate, and hit the gym just because I enjoy it. Initially, picking up exercising again was a chore. I look forward to it now as a release after spending all day in an office chair. I exercise almost daily at least a little, whether that's a quick walk around the block or practicing some roller skating skills in my wood floor living room.

  2. I no longer over eat. Before, if you put a cheesecake in front of me, I'd eat that sucker till it was gone no matter what I was feeling or how full I was. Now, I've learned to take a few bites and listen to my body. With things like cake and cookies or even boba, I'll eat a little and then keep in my fridge and just nibble on it over an extended period. Likewise, I feel like my stomach is actually smaller in volume. I especially noticed this on WW.

  3. I am more conscious of when I am eating out of boredom/stress/relief and when I am eating because I am actually hungry. I can kind of do a mental check and ask myself if I truly am hungry. That way, I stop the pointless calorie consumption before it begins and deal with the emotion in a constructive way. In college, I really did not have to do this because I was so active it really did not matter what I ate and when. I believe this is a form of mindfulness.

  4. My concept of a meal is this: protein, fruit/veggie, whole carb. Before, i didn't have a ton of cognizance of nutrition like this.

  5. I try to stick to fruit/veggies and protein for my snacks.

Sorry if this was just pointless listing, but I just wanted to share how weight loss and subtle habit changes, mindfulness have made a difference for me. :)

Edit: said fuggit and took some "before" picture to motivate myself to quit dilly dallying around and get even more serious about getting to a healthier weight and BMI.

submitted by /u/123catmom
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2QJU3YR

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