Monday, September 14, 2020

Here’s what i’ve learned after three months of dieting and consistent exercise...


I posted here probably like a month and a half ago saying I lost ten pounds...and since then that’s where I have stayed for the most part.

That isn’t my end goal but holy moly, is it hard to get passed it. I think when I got to the ten pounds lost I started to lose steam. I thought, well dang, if this came off so easily, then the rest of it will follow suit! WRONG! I started to get more lax in my eating, and not counting as often or just going over my calorie count and just saying eff it. I continued to fluctuate between ten and twelve pounds but constantly wondering why my weight would go back up. I was working out and getting better each session! Subconsciously I took that as a sign to eat junk ALL. THE. TIME.

Then yesterday it hit me, like really hit me, you’re not losing anymore because you’re continually eating like garbage again, and if you keep it up, you’ll lose all the progress you gained!!!!! So yesterday, I lowered my calories, just a bit, and stuck to them!! I won’t say I didn’t almost slip up like at least half a dozen times, because I did...BUT I still did it! I stayed under a lower calorie goal then previously and I didn’t wake up feeling bloated and gross from a ton of salt and gross junk food!

So I guess what the real meat of this is that i’ve learned weight loss truly is a journey. It’s not quick, it takes time. I have to give myself grace but also kick myself in the butt sometimes to keep going. Because I want to be healthy, and I want to not be scared to look at myself in the mirror or put the toilet seat up for fear of breaking the seat. So on days when you feel like you want to give up, DON’T. Don’t beat yourself up for slipping and having to start over again, because in reality we’re all struggling and it’s just plain hard, BUT YOU CAN DO THIS!


submitted by /u/SailorCrossing
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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