Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Lost 104 pounds (47kg) since September 2019 and I’ll never forget this journey

20M / 5’10 / SW: 253lbs (115kg) / GW: 154lbs (70kg) / CW: 149lbs (68kg)

September 23rd 2019 was the day I had enough. Enough of being the “fat sibling” in the family. Enough of being the “fat kid” at school. Enough of always having to worry about people seeing how overweight I was. Enough of being ashamed to eat in public. Enough of always feeling self-conscious when posing for group pictures. Enough of always canceling plans because I was too ashamed to walk in public.

Last September, I started senior year of high school fat and knew I didn’t want to end it like that. I wanted a new me. I wanted my graduation pictures to capture that new me before I leave for university and start the next chapter of my life. So I made it my mission to finally lose the weight.

This journey has been hard. There were multiple moments where I had thought of giving up. Times where waking up early just to workout seemed impossible. Times where I didn’t want to skip the Friday pizza... I was tempted to quit a lot but I had made myself a promise and I intended to keep that. In those moments, I had to remember that future me would thank me for battling those urges. I had to convince myself that no amount of pizza would bring me joy like looking in the mirror a year from now and seeing the new me.

Not only did I have to battle myself, but I also had to face the people in my life (my family) who thought I would never achieve my goal. These were the same people who had made fun of me for being overweight in the first place.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from all this, it’s that patience is the key to success. I used to check the scale everyday and would end up sad when it didn’t move. I used to freak out when I’d look in the mirror and feel like my love handles weren’t getting smaller. “If you’re consistent with your diet or workout, then I guarantee you that your body is changing” is something I wish I was told from the beginning. You’re losing the weight and sometimes it’ll take a week to notice a difference, or it can be 3 weeks. Sometimes the scale would not budge for 2 weeks and by the 3rd week I would have dropped 6 pounds out of nowhere.

Just remember the weight loss is happening and that you’re doing a great job. The scale is important but don’t let it consume your mind.

Don’t forget to treat yourself! I would have gone mad if I didn’t reward myself with my favorite fast foods and sweets. Every 4-5 weeks I’d forget about counting calories for a day and just treat myself to whatever I wanted. Have pizza, drink your favorite soda or cocktail, eat that ice cream! Other times I’d workout extra hard so I could treat myself to my favorite dessert without undermining my calorie deficit. Don’t feel bad because you overate one night, that will not affect you in the long term. Just remember to continue your journey the following day!

submitted by /u/weightlossbattle
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3lXVgKu

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