Thursday, September 10, 2020

Week 1 Update

Original post is here, Back on the weight loss train

As I stated in the original post, I plan to do an update every week to help hold myself accountable.

Week 1 was a good start, I was able to stick to my goal of exercising for a minimum of 30mins. each day I was at home, some days on the treadmill, and others walking the dogs. Ran into a little problem on the road where I was working til late into the night and didn’t find the time for the exercise, I did make an effort to take the stairs and park further away from entrances on those days, it doesn’t totally make up for missing the structured exercise time, but it’s something.

As far as eating goes, I did go over my 1,500 calorie limit by 56 calories an one occasion, but otherwise was under, with a few days being around the 1,200 calorie mark, and I’m not starving, it just goes to show I was often eating out of boredom or overdoing portion sizes and I don’t really need that much food. I should be able to continue with this pace so long as I find something to keep myself busy when I feel boredom kicking in.

My water intake has been between 64oz to 100oz per day, and I haven’t had any liquid calories.

Heading home today and will have a full week at home, so no excuses for missing exercise this coming week.

Until next time, thanks for the supportive community, this is a great resource for meeting weight loss goals.

submitted by /u/nickelstheAP
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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