Tuesday, December 29, 2020

How did you decide on your goal weight?

I'm 28F, 5' 7", CW 170lbs and have been consciously working toward losing weight for the last year or so. As I'm approaching my original goal weight (165 lbs), I'm starting to feel like I could lose a little more. However, I don't want to get into a mindset where every time I get close to my goal weight, I look at my body and think that if I just lost that five extra pounds, I would finally look the way I want. I know that no matter what size I am there will be days when I don't feel great about myself, and I don't want all of my weight loss to be appearance-driven, since I've got some body image issues that stretch back to my childhood. There are a variety of reasons I would like to be a little lower than 165 lbs, primarily that I really enjoy running and it would be a lot easier to train for longer distances at a lower weight. It would also be nice to be in a healthy BMI range for once in my life, just to prove that I can do it. However, I don't want losing weight to be one of the primary places my energy is directed. If I have to battle constantly just to push myself down an extra five pounds, it's not really worth it to me.

For a little background: I was never skinny as a child or teenager. The first time I lost weight was when I got right up around 200 lbs by my junior year of high school (2009). That was a wake-up call for me, so I started exercising and eating better and was around 180 lbs when I graduated high school (2011). I stayed there more or less throughout college. After college, I moved out of state and due to stress and some other factors, got down to the high 160s (2016). Over the next three years, for a variety of reasons, I started gaining weight back steadily until I was at about 195 lbs (January 2019). I was able to plateau at that weight for about 9 months before I started losing weight last November, and now I'm down about 25 pounds to 170 lbs. I've been doing a very loose version of CICO to get here, no specialized diets or extreme calorie deficits.

I originally set my goal weight to 165 lbs because I had done it before so it felt attainable. However, now that I'm close, I'm starting to feel like I could push myself a little further. I don't aspire to be skinny by any means, but I would like to be at a healthy weight where I feel good in my skin, can achieve my exercise goals, and am keeping myself healthy for the future.

Anyone have any thoughtful input on how to decide on the ultimate goal weight? Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/2manyemilys
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2KNRZzJ

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