Wednesday, December 30, 2020

I have a new respect for people struggling with weight loss and addiction to food

I’m not overweight nor have I been since I gained the freshman 15 back in college. I usually don’t think about my weight as I’ve never had trouble maintaining a healthy weight and I’m generally active and try to maintain a good diet.

However, during the craziness of this year I was thrown for a loop (as many of us were) with the extreme disruption in my schedule and life. I was suddenly spending much more time at home being bored and isolated. Unsurprisingly, I began a cycle of eating more, gaining weight unexpectedly, and desperately trying to lose the weight that I’d gained before using food to stimulate myself during my boredom when it returned.

Overall, I’ve only gained about 10 lbs during the pandemic (which is obviously not horrible) but I never realized the mental and emotional toll that it takes on me. I am now constantly thinking about my body and worrying about if I gained any more weight. I’m always trying to set goals for myself for when I can lose the weight and ultimately failing. I’m always looking at pictures of myself from the end of last year and the beginning of this year when I was 10 lbs lighter. I’m always re-entering this very exhausting cycle of eating healthy and then trying to fill a void with food before I get frustrated with how my clothes feel tighter.

All of this is to say that I have gained an immense amount of respect for people who have gone through this for years or possibly their whole lives. Also people who are actually overweight or obese and are unfairly faced ridicule by society. When I started lurking on this subreddit, I was enlightened a lot through the stories of some of you and it has challenged my understanding of the psychology behind weight loss and what it’s like to struggle with it.

Here’s to a 2021 where we achieve all of our goals!

submitted by /u/cabezadetomate
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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