Monday, December 28, 2020

My partner wants to lose weight but doesn't take any steps towards long-term sustainable change.

TL;DR Partner is overweight and verbally expresses how much they want to lose weight. We have made efforts towards adapting our food habits to become healthier. I want to be supportive, but this is their battle in the end. What are some easy to read/watch resources on the mindset of sustainable weight loss? What are some tips if you have gone through this yourself?

I've been a lurker here for a while in order to get tips and tricks to help my partner in their weight loss journey. On my side, I am more of a r/gainit user as I have been consistently underweight all my life but my partner is the opposite. They have been overweight most of their life and been gaining more recently. Over the past few years that I have been with them, I always hear from them how they want to lose weight and I see them try keto or cutting out sugar for a month or two and losing some weight, but gaining it all back and more at any negative setback.

It sucks to see them get unmotivated from it, and since we live together I have taken on the responsibility of planning, preparing, and making most of our meals. My rationale in taking this on is that I notice my partner's binge cycle tends to start if we don't have a meal ready to throw in the microwave the minute they get hungry. Instead of making the effort of cooking an easy meal (as we always have the ingredients for it), they tend to turn to binging on chocolates, saltines with some kind of jam, or sandwiches.

Even so, we both work and some days I forget to defrost the chicken in advance. It really hurts to hear and see my partner rolling my eyes at me when they realize I forgot and nothing is ready. It actually hurts even more to see them then binging on their go-to foods immediately instead of waiting the 15 minutes it would take either of us to prepare something quick with what we have. This is also expensive, as we end up refilling on these foods very often...

I could go on and on, but to bring this to the point: I need some perspective from someone who has gone through this or is going through this when it comes to the mindset and what would help in this situation. I really want to eat healthier in a sustainable way. My partner has expressed the same desire, but the brunt work (research, planning, prepping, cooking) ends up mainly in my lap. Their journey is different from mine and I want to help facilitate them as much as possible. Am I holding their hand too much? I know I'm definitely thinking too much about it as well - that's just how I am and I'm working on focusing more on the food planning rather than what my partner is eating as that isn't my responsibility anyway.

Edited to add: The title makes it sounds like my partner doesn't make ANY effort at all, but that isn't true. That was just my frustration towards the situation coming out. My partner is making small changes.

submitted by /u/Unlucky-Paper8228
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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