Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Starting over, looking for advice

Dear all, I am new on reddit but so far I have really enjoyed this sub and the progresspics sub. As for many, weight loss has been a much present theme for me for a few years, without ever reaching my goal. But the people on these subs show me what is possible, and are so kind to share all their advice and try to motivate others.

I am a woman, 23 years, 5 ft 9 and weigh 210 pounds (sorry for any wrong formatting, I’m used to meters and kg). I want to lose 40-50 pounds.

I have wanted to lose some weight for a long time, but rarely succeeded in trying for longer than a few weeks. A few years back I managed to loose 20 pounds by working really hard. But during COVID, I avoided stepping on the scale because I knew I gained, but now I am heavier than I’ve ever been. My clothes fit very poorly (and I avoid buying bigger ones), it physically bothers me, and I don’t like the way I look.

So I really want to turn things around, I think I should change my methods, because I don’t want to fail again. I know about what food is healthy and stuff, and I manage to eat relatively healthy meals (but I will have to step up this game). I mainly have issues with portion control, snacking (binging) and exercising.

I think because I have big issues with discipline and motivation, both for eating and exercising. I often eat out of boredom, because I can’t resist it, or because I join my boyfriend in his unhealthy habits (he has a metabolism to be jealous of). And I just don’t really enjoy exercising.

What helped you to become and remain disciplined and motivated? I am looking for all kinds of advice/tips/experience. Did you use strict plans, routine, remove all temptations etc. And what if you are feeling down? How do you pick yourself up again and continue working on your goals?

Thanks in advance for your answers, hope they contain some great advice and inspirations from others too!!

submitted by /u/Rhodemus
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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