Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Starting over...but the "right" way.

I've been on this subreddit for a few years through various accounts and had made significant progress with my weight loss in days past. However, with quarantine happening along with school stress and a breakup, I have managed to backtrack almost 3 years of progress within the span of 4 months. And looking back at the way that I achieved my previous results I realized that I MAY have achieved those results in a way that did not ensure long-term success.

I started my journey during the spring semester of my freshman year in college. I would go to the gym 3-4 days out of the week and do only cardio, oftentimes running 3-4 miles on an elliptical each time. this trend continued for about 2 months until I somehow thought that I could lose weight by eating whatever I wanted as long as I did not go over my calorie limit. This lead to me eating the usual college student diet but on a "budget" which I feel was my first mistake.

Then I started doing intermittent fasting along with this diet, which helped me lose weight by helping me create a caloric deficit SO great that I would lose 3-4 lbs within a week. Often times after my eating period was done, I would go on long walks around campus to achieve a 500-750 calorie extra deficit on top of my 1000 calorie deficit, which is too much of a deficit per day.

This way of living along with insufficient nutrition and no physical stimulus is what I believe attributed most to my eventual downward spiral. I spent 3 years of my life worried the most about how little I should be eating that I didn't realize that there were more aspects to manageable and sustained weight loss and weight management such as:

  1. resistance training to build muscle mass for an increased metabolism
  2. optimal nutrition for said muscle growth and overall health
  3. creating a better relationship with food (my problem is that I like the taste and I eat when I'm bored)
  4. daily exercise (even if it's just walking)
  5. building willpower and determination to overcome social influences of food
  6. listening to my body to know when to stop/start eating
  7. Eating enough and not going to extremes

My plan for the upcoming new year is nothing so intense that I will fall off the boat like many who will try to lose weight this year. I will attempt to add on habits that will eventually lead to my long-term success such as eating more whole foods, cutting out processed goods, doing beginner workouts, and not eating impulsively. I feel like if I can create good habits while tracking my calories and making good decisions I could be at my goal weight by the end of 2021!

If you have any other advice or insights please feel free to leave a comment!

thanks for taking the time to read this post! I will continue to update this subreddit and my social media on my progress.

submitted by /u/iqueo1
[link] [comments]

from loseit - Lose the Fat

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