Tuesday, March 16, 2021

A day I thought was going to be more emotional

I never thought I would be below 200lbs. Sat between 220-240 most of my adult life (31m). In college I was happy about 225, more so when I was very active in the summer. I inched close to 250 a few times in my adult life and was always able to start running, implement keto, or just think about eating less and lose 25lbs. I inched close to 250 (even skipping weighing myself after vacation) last March just pre-pandemic. Last March with a lot of things on my mind I started a dedicated weight loss journey. A bunch of small habits implemented has produced big results! I thought my gw would be 210, but now I am going for 185 and can reassess then. I thought crossing the 200 lb threshold would be emotional, but truly it is not the product that is important, but the process. I have been so excited to share my journey with friends and family and when I hit my GW I am excited because my journey is not ending... it is just beginning of staying healthy the rest of my life.

submitted by /u/yaboyo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3qTqCD6

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