Wednesday, July 7, 2021

How I lost 80+ lbs.

1.) Walking. Walking everyday that I felt able to. Only missing days for extreme bad weather, or if I needed a rest day because I did an extra big walk day before. My first goals were honestly just to get my shoes on and go outside. Even if I only went around the parking lot or around the block for 10-15 mins.

2.) Tracking exercise. Once I was into the habit of going for 4-7 walks/week I started to monitor my progress with the intent on *improving. This was a critical part in treating a pre-diabetic diagnosis. Thanks to my amazing fiancé I have a shiny new Fitbit with gps so I can jog out some shapes and try to challenge myself on urban hiking expeditions. I am now up to 15-20km/day hiking 3x/week and usually 5-7km on the other days. Basically every other day I do a monster. And I take rest days whenever if I need one. *Nephew gave the very good advice to try to improve by even just 1% a day.

3.) Additional movement. A few times a week I do some stair or wall pushups, lunges, wall sits and planks. Aerobic housecleaning counts. I aim for daily stretching as well but I am bad for letting that slide. Also don’t forget to wildly embarrass the kids with public dance outbursts or races. Honestly this part is more for the comedy but it works.

4.) Treating myself a bit better. This was probably the hardest and will remain the hardest for ever most likely. Constant work and push to do. It’s easy to treat yourself like trash. Take your antidepressants at the same time each day. Drink a lot more water. Epsom salt bath priorities. Use old lady cream on the wrinkles. Also a sleep schedule is recommended however I struggle with that. “And straighten out your posture you banana shaped fuck.” -some meme

5.) Mental Health. Different from section 4.) if you need a mental health day, do it. If you have anxiety try to deal with it. I have a really hard time with fire alarms. It can ruin a whole day. Some times it wins, sometimes it doesn’t.

6.) Hobbies. Hobbies help you feel happier and feel like you have a purpose in this dark, bleak world. I started a personal Instagram(only had portfolio for work previously). I upload cool nature pics and selfies that I take on my hiking journeys. I am trying to learn GarageBand and have been getting back to music again. And no shame in it but I got into video games pretty good. Minecraft is very relaxing, I also recommend Subnautica, Stardew Valley, Diablo 3, and I have played warzone a couple times this week too.

7.) Alcohol is for occasions. Bottle of wine for anniversary, birthday, relevant celebratory incidents only. Go nuts on weed tho just make sure you know how to deal with the munchies. I use 200-800 of my daily cals for this purpose and idgaf. Because I am staying within a healthy caloric range otherwise.

8.) Food. Ok I am no expert here. I have left this till last because of that. I have for sure disordered eating. Probably a binging problem(food and formerly alcohol). I like to have fun and listen to metal and party. I listen to it on my walks now or in the vehicle. But it was a trigger for alcohol for a bit so I started listening to different music during my walks. Now my playlists are fucked but oh well.

Typical day: Coffee with milk, bottle of water and meds.

I usually have 2 things off this list during the day most days(I have other stuff here and there but this is like 8/10 days)

-Protein shake and fruit -English muffin, small piece of cheese and sometimes fruit. -Yogurt and granola -grainy bagel and cream cheese(occasional) -cold plate (2 fruits, 2 veggies, meats, cheeses, crackers, nuts and raisins)

Dinner: Meat, veg and potato or some such Spaghetti Soup Basically I win if it’s something we make at home, double win for fresh. Cooking is not sustainable(due to long work hours)and when I started I was like 90% fast food and I’m down to 95% home cooked.

A few food rules: Try to have fresh fruit and veggies each day. I always have washed, cut, peeled, ready to go fruit and veggies in the fridge for snacks. It really helps for grazers. You probably aren’t getting enough protein. Or fiber, or vitamins, or love or sunshine. Make sure things are balanced.

Finally the beast. Sugar. I still can’t with this addiction but I have it strictly limited. If I’m having a chocolate bar, it’s on a 15km day and I refuse to feel bad about it. Also it’s a lot healthier to make your own brownies/cake/pie/cookies/scones/biscuits/secret night carb treats/peanut butter balls/granola bars/rice Krispy squares and such. You can use healthier forms of sweet and also use much less or none. I make brownies like almost every week and I have perfected my recipe and enjoy every second making and consuming the brownies. You appreciate it so much more when the flavours are not processed garbage and the extra ingredient is love.

Sugar free candy, soda, ice cream, gummies. All that stuff affected my taste and anything with sugar alcohols(used a lot for diabetic stuff) makes you shit yourself real bad.

My biggest accomplishment is choosing my sugar. I try to eat whole grain, low carb, low sugar. Because I absolutely everyday need a donut or some chocolate or 1/2 cup of orange juice. If I stick to water and healthy stuff it doesn’t mess with my insulin and sugars.

In conclusion: Again no expert, still learning so much but I started at 325lbs and today I am 243ish The pre diabetic diagnosis was at the beginning of June 2020, during the pandemic. I had been off work for 3 months languishing and decided to make this change for myself. In preparation I quit tobacco Feb 3 2020 and was nicotine free a few months later(nicotine gum).

I don’t care how long it takes and the reason why is because I read on one of these weight loss subs the best advice I have ever heard. And I wish I could credit the person who wrote it and honestly thank them because it is so important. “You have to play the long game, it’s like a magic trick you play on yourself.” Thanks whoever that was.

I am f37 5’7” SW 325 CW243 GW?

I hope this either inspires or entertains you. Thanks for reading.

submitted by /u/SeriousLesiure
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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