Wednesday, December 15, 2021

10lbs down! I'm so excited to continue the journey! Only 15 more to my first goal!

Hey all! A few days I posted about the start of my journey and how I was 4 lbs down, my SW I marked at 250, today when I woke up and weighed in, I was 239.9!

I'm 10lbs down and only 15 away from my health weight for January 😁 I'm 10% of the way towards my 100lbs lost goal and I'm so freaking excited.

I know a lot of it is water weight, I've cut out soda, way down on sodium, and been eating healthier in general.. I net 1'500 cal/day and go to the gym every day. But how exciting! It just makes me want to keep working and doing everything I can to keep losing weight and get to my goal.

I know weight loss starts really fast when you're starting out and have as much weight to lose as I do; I'm prepared for the slowdown, but hey celebrate the victories when they come, right?

submitted by /u/PrettySax3
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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