Sunday, November 25, 2018

How to shut up people who tell you to stop losing weight?

Stats for reference: F / 32 / 5'8 / SW 320 / CW 183 / GW 160

I work in retail in a small town do for months now I've had people comment on my weight loss. That I don't mind. But more recently I've had people ask if I'm finished losing now and I always reply "just a little more to go" and their answers are always the same...

"You look fine as you are"

"Be careful not to lose too much"

Or the most annoying and kind of rude "You'll look sick if you lose any more!"

I usually just give a little laugh and tell them I'm still overweight.

But it's just so frustrating. I get its because its such a drastic change. And probably partly because a lot of us aren't used to seeing what people look like at healthy weights etc. Maybe it's insecurity for some people... That I'll be smaller than them? Or if they get me to stop losing weight then they won't feel bad that they can't lose weight?

But I just don't know how to end the conversation without being rude? Maybe I should be rude because they are being kind of rude! But when it's friends who are adamant that BMI means nothing I don't really want to risk losing a friendship because they can't understand that I want to be at a healthy weight for the first time in my whole life. I even tell them I'm not aiming to be skinny, just the very top end of healthy.

(And I absolutely understand the number on the scale isn't everything and BMI isn't 100%, but as I'm not a tiny person, a giant or overly muscular I think it's a good guide)

submitted by /u/queenpizzasaurus
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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