Thursday, November 22, 2018

Lost a lot of weight (10kg) this summer and suddenly I can jog without being in pain or feeling like my lungs are 3 sizes too small. The weight loss has been unintentional but interesting.

Pre summer I weighed around 87kg and I'm 184cm tall. Might not seem much but all that weight is fat as I don't exercise. My worst has been 92kg around 2 years ago but thanks to being sick for two weeks one time I lost like 6kg and then gained some back. Since then I started watching a bit what I was eating.

It brings me to this summer and I went to the arctic and was hiking a lot up and down mountains. I've never had problems with strenuous walking except for sore muscles and a lot of sweat. Every day I came back from hiking I had to hang the wool shirt to dry as it was wet, there was not a single dry spot on them. I do not recommend walking down mountains if one doesn't have strong knees and soles, you might get more exhausted walking up a mountain but walking down destroys your muscles. 2 weeks of doing this every day I get back home and weigh myself, 80kg. Insane. Then I went back again to hike for a week a month later and in August I was 77kg.

The most important thing I learned was staying hungry and not being able to do anything about it. These past few months I've managed to actually stay between 75-77kg. My upper body still has no muscles, love handles still there and my thighs are still thick so to speak but when I sit they don't pour out and look 2 times bigger anymore. I hated this and always sat with one leg over the other so not to look like a fat ass. I still eat cakes and cereal with 450kcal per 100g which I always eat 2 servings of because who in their right mind can stay satiated on measly 30g of cereal per serving. I don't weigh my food but I also don't go buying snacks when I'm hungry leaving work or uni. Except for mornings when I buy a chocolate muffin and smoothie, either as a breakfast or snack between lunch and dinner. I haven't drunk soda since 4 years ago and I don't miss the acid of coke. I drink like one or two glasses of cider or beer to my dinner 3 times a week and the rest is water, milk or occasional apple juice (never clear).

I'm just trying to illustrate that it's not like I eat salads or healthy stuff, I still eat sweets and stuff but I've realised my stomach can't fit the same amount of food as my normal friends. I can barely eat a whole kebab and often leave the last 1/4. 2 potatoes to dinner is enough but half an hour to an hour after eating I can fit fruit or some chocolate.

I can sort of understand the appeal of all those weight loss shows now. Doing that insane amount of exercising with a purpose, lose a bunch of weight and then have that out of your head because you've taken the first leap and now you feel alright doing the small steps to a better future.

Writing this I'm actually looking at my nutella sandwich thinking I should eat it but decided that I won't until I finish writing. And that is the kicker. Telling yourself "I will wait" is hard but gets easier with time. I tell myself it's just hunger, it's not hurting me or inconveniencing my work but it does make me slightly irritated.

Funny thing I found out is that last week I was running late to the bus and decided to jog slowly to it. I wasn't exhausted and needing to take long deep breaths that got interrupted by my body that wanted to hyperventilate. I tried actual running a day later but that's as horrible as always, so I started jogging to the bus stop every day. Yesterday I jumped off the bus a station after my stop because I was looking at my phone and jogged all the way back. I managed without exhausting myself but my shirt was as wet as can be. I still hate jogging, though podcasts help.

I don't know if I'll ever get enough muscles for my skin and flesh to be springy like the palm of my hand but at least I don't got thunder thighs and man boobs. This post isn't to talk shit on others or telling people how I found the magic way out and preach it to you. I just wanted to post my experience. I've never lost that much weight in such a short time before and then kept it.

submitted by /u/MosquitoRevenge
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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