Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Ok, fine, FINE.

I'll count the damned calories.

I have this wishful thought that someday I can be one of those people who just naturally, EFFORTLESSLY eats in such a way as to become and remain eternally thin. So I shirked calorie counting because I'd never reach my goal of automatic, self-sustaining weight loss if I put so much thought and focus into it right? How can I become an intuitive eater if everything has to be planned and obsessed over?

Well, that's never going to happen. At least not without a few years of training wheels where I track my calories and limit my intake. Cause natural, intuitive eating for me right now apparenyly means overeating every single day and gaining back hard lost weight.

Yes, that means I can't drink a big glass of whole milk with every meal without cutting back elsewhere, no matter how nourishing and satisfying it is.

Dear body: I love you, but you don't know what you need and trusting you to tell me is like trusting a little kid that says ice cream for supper is the best option.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go log my breakfast.

submitted by /u/kupo_moogle
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2B3BxU5

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