Tuesday, December 11, 2018

I’m noticing a terrible pattern..

I seem to have a 3 year cycle of weight loss vs gain. I spend a year being active and healthy, shed some weight and bottom out around 140lbs. Then I stay there for a few months and after that, over the course of around 18 months, I pile on everything I lost right back on to around 180.. that’s some serious sloth and gluttony. Then I spend the next year going back to being super active and quit drinking and ditch junk food, only to repeat the process again. And now surprise, I’m back at the top of the scale and looking down this horrible ordeal all over again. I have a feeling that part of the reason I do this to myself is I surround myself with people who encourage a lot of bad behavior and at times I find healthy living slightly lonely... sometimes even boring when avoiding indulgences... but this has been going on for over 12 years, and I’m so at a loss for balance in my life I am asking strangers on the internet for help. I know I do my best when I have support, but where does that come from? I used to hire personal trainers for motivation, and that was great and I loved it- but that’s not really part of my budget anymore, nor was it ever really part of a long term budget plan.. How do you guys find support and motivation? I know it’s time to head back to the gym, but it’s tough to get friends to commit to even going once or twice a week and it’s weird to try and meet new people there.. I never really get used to going on my own. Even if I go 5 times a week and take regular classes, I never feel like I belong, and this is a big part of letting things slide when I start to feel like I hit my goal. But I’m getting older now(almost 33) and my body should not be doing this anymore. So, I come to you with all my problems and pray there is some divine r/loseit knowledge lurking just around the corner~ if anyone has any advice or motivation secrets I sure would love to hear them, cause it’s time to ditch this awful cycle and get zen with a new sustainable lifestyle.. lord, do I need help.. does anyone use a reward approach? Like with vacations or wardrobe changes or nice presents for yourself?

Thanks for reading, I know that was super long- I’m really hoping for some sensible direction

submitted by /u/AmandaLeeroy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2Qn8KDn

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