Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Asking for advice to start my weight loss journey.

I have always struggled with my weight and have been on a steady incline since graduating highschool (22 now) while being on my last semester before getting my B.A. My doctor says I need to lose weight since he wants me to be around 180 pounds being 6 foot. I'm currently around 235 and not happy about it.

I have noticed noticeably stretch marks around my thighs and back. I have gained a pretty good belly and have noticed I have rolls that make me self conscience about sitting up. I have drank too much whiskey, had late night unhealthy snacks, consumed so much soda, drank coffee a day with a lot of sugar and over eat.

I decided that today, out of all days that it's finally enough. I'm sad about the picture I see in the mirror of myself and want to feel better about myself.

There is a gym nearby on campus that is roughly a 15 minute walk for me but it's very cold out (being in the negatives) with a lot of snow and ice. I find myself loss of motivation to get to the gym with these conditions. I found it much easier in the past being hot out.

I own a pair of 15 lb dumb bells in my apartment that I could exercise with but don't know what are the best exercises I should be doing and what muscles I should be working. Also I find that sit ups on the hard carpet floor hurts my back quite a lot.

So I need a workout plan for 30-60 minutes a day involving dumb bells when it's too crappy out to go to the gym.

I'm also planning on eating 3 meals a day with little snacks. Also not eating after dinner at all like I'm use too with unhealthy foods. For this, I can manage lunch and dinner with high protein healthy foods. But for breakfast, I'm at a loss of what to eat. I'm not one to heat up or cook food in the morning and usually either skip breakfast or grab a cereal bar to go.

I'm looking to cut any soda drinks completely only drinking vitamin flavored water and water. I still want to drink coffee to get me through some long college days and thinking cutting sugar and using only cream is the best bet?

Also if I start drinking protein shakes, what is the best time to drink it? After workout, before workout, at night, etc?

I really, really want to get healthier and want to feel better about myself. Especially the remarks I got around Christmas from family about my weight gain got me down about it.

If you read this far or comment at all, I really appreciate it. I want to make a change for the better before I get into a worse situation with my weight. Thank you.

submitted by /u/ZerglingHOTS
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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