Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Back at it after a difficult 2018.

In 2017 I finally got my shit together in May and lost the most weight I’ve lost in one stretch. I started at 242 and got down to 197. I lost my gallbladder in the process but kept going, my mantra at that point was “I lost an organ for this, I’m not stopping now” reality everyone in my family four generations back has had their gallbladder removed but it was good motivation.

Anyways I entered 2018 at 205, got down to 197 by the end of February. At that point my husband who had lost a few pounds along the journey even though he really didn’t need to started getting really thin. He of course was blaming the lack of junk food in the house because he couldn’t figure out what was happening. Then he started having constant diarrhea and losing all his energy. By March I was pretty sure he had cancer and finally got him to see a doctor in April. Turns out he has celiac, I was pretty excited he wasn’t dying. We have two absent minded teen/tween boys and I decided that I didn’t want to live my life on crumb patrol so our house would have to be fully gluten free.

I spent Easter weekend throwing out all the opened food in our kitchen and anything that wasn’t gluten free. Half of our kitchen equipment had to go too. I had to relearn to eat last year, figure out what food I actually liked, and it became pretty obvious that this was not the time to try to track. I stopped for the rest of the year. I ended up gaining a few pounds, gluten free is not the magic bullet for weight loss!

Anyways I’m now a year from when he started getting obviously sick and this morning am only 3 pounds from where I was a year ago, I pretty much pulled off a year of maintenance! I also know what I like to eat and know who to fit it all into CICO! I’m looking out at 2019 feeling pretty excited about finishing this journey:)

submitted by /u/therealzue
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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