Thursday, January 17, 2019

How quick does my food intake, or lack thereof, show up on the scale?

Hey, so I am in an office filled with a bunch of people doing a competitive weight loss contest, where they have to pay money every week if they gain an ounce so they are very focussed on the minutia of eating and exercise. I'm not in it, but in general I am making changes to diet and exercising more. Mainly, I'm cutting waaaaaaay back on alcohol, red meat, eating out, processed food, and generally keep the calories down. I weigh every morning at the same time out of habit and there is generally about a 3-5 lb fluctuation in my weight from day to day. As I am going from having a beer (or more, who am I kiddin) every day after work to only drinking one day a week, I am wondering when I can expect to see the result of a particularly good or bad patch. If I pound IPAs and eat nachos on Sunday, will that show up on Monday, Tues, Wed? If I eat nothing each day but a banana, an avocado, and a salad, and a slice of turkey for a three day weekend while also exercising, when should I see the results of that? It would help a lot to be able to track the cause and effect of my actions. Anyone with info on bodily processing and how the machine works, I would appreciate your input.

submitted by /u/Funkyokra
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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