Wednesday, January 2, 2019

My new year's resolution isn't to lose weight.

I want to lose 20-30 pounds and get back into a normal BMI range, but losing that weight isn't specifically one of my new year's resolutions for 2019. Instead, my list of new year's resolutions looks like this:

  • log my food every day, even if it's just my best estimate
  • get my 10,000 steps every day
  • hula hoop for at least 10 minutes every day
  • do 16:8 IF
  • weigh every morning
  • forgive myself for any missed days and get back on track ASAP

These are mostly things that I do already - except the last one. My biggest problem is consistency and giving up after a few bad days. So, I'm going to do my absolute best to stick to these resolutions this year and see where it gets me. I want to focus on the tasks that I can manage on a daily basis rather than a big goal that seems so far out of reach. I know that when I stick to these things, it works - I've lost 15 pounds or so already, and there's no reason I can't keep going with that loss.

Here's to a great 2019, and may you all achieve your fitness/weight loss goals this year!

submitted by /u/fitinabit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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