Wednesday, January 9, 2019

On Weight Loss and Mental Health

TLDR; Fixing my brain helped me fix my body

I've been struggling with weight loss my entire life and have grown accustomed to the excuse that I can't lose weight because I'm "big boned" and "genetics". We all know that's horseshit, no one is supposed to be 6' tall and 290lbs naturally.

Recently, after starting a new job with great health benefits, I took the step of seeing a psychiatrist. I knew that I struggled with my mental health, but I didn't realize until several sessions in how deeply and profoundly my poor mental health was affecting all facets of my life.

I was diagnosed with generalized and social anxiety, as well as moderate to severe depression. After a few months of trying lifestyle changes (ie talking with close friends more, eating well, and exercising), I still found myself in a dark place mentally. I was hesitant about starting medication, but eventually accepted that a lot of my mental struggles were due to a chemical imbalance in my brain, not because of "lack of willpower".

I can say with 100% certainty that, after starting an SSRI antidepressant regimine, my life has significantly improved in an amazing way. I no longer binge junk food to feel better and lie in bed all day, I'm actually capable of stopping mid meal because I'm full. Also, I WANT to exercise now, I'm craving it.

When your brain is capable of creating the chemicals it needs to run smoothly, you don't need to fill the void with junk food and self pity. I eat to fuel, and I exercise to feel good because I care about myself.

I'm not sure how many of you can relate, but my weight loss journey didn't truly begin until I took care of my mental health. To fix my outside, I needed to fix my inside.

submitted by /u/AstroGrizzly
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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