Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Slip Ups Don't Ruin You Forever

After being obese and wanting to lose weight since I was 10/also having to struggle with food being one of my only coping mechanisms, bingeing has been a problem.

I've tried taking weight loss seriously for a long time, but its never fully stuck with me. Id always end up bingeing, then giving up. I thought "well I cant fix this, and I've already messed up, so it doesn't matter." But after taking it seriously this time, around Aug/Sep 2018, my attitude has changed a lot. I've realized that slipping up and not being on track 24/7 is okay, and I can go right back on track the next day/work it off. I'm allowed to not be perfect, because that's normal.

I'm down ~20ish pounds now, I still have a lot more to go before I'm completely happy, but the progress is noticeable and so encouraging. (Heck, even my dad who sees me every day has noticed, which is always a bonus when its somebody other than yourself noticing!) I still have slip ups- more than I'd like to admit- but I'm still heading in the right direction because I know I can fix it now, and I'm in control of this.

Sorry if this post is messy, but I just thought I'd post this as a reminder to anybody else still struggling with feeling like one mess up is the end of the world/wants to give up. This sub has helped me so much, so I figured I would try to give back.

submitted by /u/rougeadmiralannie
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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