Wednesday, January 23, 2019

SV - Down 21.6 lbs since Jan 1st, thanks to diligent calorie counting and cardio!

Hi everyone,

I posted a couple of weeks ago about trying to count calories and eat healthier.

My LoseIt! app was giving me an excess calorie allowance, I was taught by this community about BMR and the math behind the calories.

Well it’s been three weeks since I started my weight loss journey, and I weighed in today and have lost 21.6 lbs since January 1st.

I’m sure the first drop was water weight and whatnot, but I have been counting my calories carefully, bought a food scale, have been eating more veggies and drinking lots of water throughout the day... and I started going to the gym last Monday, to do an hour of cardio every morning. Haven’t missed a day of exercise yet!

I used to be super sedentary and now I am walking everywhere, going on walks during my breaks at work, and tracking steps through Stridekick. I’m averaging about 15k steps a day.

My face is really showing some of the weight loss (I posted a side by side pic on r/progresspics ) and my clothes are fitting so much better, some even loosely.

I am super excited to see these results, and I want to thank the members of this community for posting such good tips and words of encouragement. Reading everyone’s experiences reminds me I am not alone, and it pushes me when I’m feeling a little less inspired.

I’m really excited to see how much healthier I can become this year. Keep it up everyone, we can do it! 😄

submitted by /u/Cnaje002
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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