Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Halfway there! (before and after pic)

So I am pretty nervous to post this, since reddit is sort of anonymous land haha, but I've been posting on this sub through most of my journey and owe some of my success to it and in reading others' success. I've been struggling a bit lately breaking a stall I've been on, and came across the photo to the right (don't mind my hack job on the cropping, was cutting out people in the background), so I decided to try on the same outfit so I can see the progress myself side by side. I couldn't even believe I was where I was in the right photo. It was definitely motivating to see the difference as I'm not always seeing it on the scale or in the mirror.

My stats: I'm 5'2. In that picture I was about 220, my highest weight ever. Currently I'm sitting at a stand still at 180, although losing inches. My pant size then was around a 16. I'm in a 10 now. :)

Story: I've ALWAYS struggled with weight loss. Yo-yo'ed a lot using fad diets and even super restrictive eating patterns. Sometimes eating as low as 500 calories a day just to lose a pound. The lowest weight I think I've gotten was around 170 before gaining back. That was probably when I was in my early 20's (now 32). I do tend to have issues with binging especially when trying to restrict myself and diet. Nothing diagnosed or anything, but I know it happens. Anyway, I lost the first 15 pounds through keto. Which worked okay for me, but eventually I stalled for about a year. I tried to figure out the issue, changing calories, cutting out this or that...blah blah blah. Caused many tears and frustration..which led to binging too..cause I'd be like wulp, why even bother?

Finally in October of this year (was about 205 at this point), I decided to go to a metabolic doctor thinking there was some sort of issue with me. There they did a whole panel of bloodwork and everything came back normal aside from my triglycerides being high and also my prolactin levels were a little elevated. Not much though. Nothing really that held my weight loss back. What did help through this process though, is that they did a test to calculate my BMR. All this time I've been using online calculators which were off for me. So the success came when I knew the right amount to eat to be in a deficit and seeing the weight movement inspired me to workout more too. CICO. Who would've thought? haha

I first started at the gym with spin. First in classes, then on my own with my own music. Still love it so much, and it burns a lot of calories in an hour, so it's still my go-to. In December, after going for my followup appointment and seeing that BMR only lowered with my weight loss, I decided to start weight training to build up some muscle. This kept my weight around the same since December maybe about a 5lb loss since then, but I did lose some inches through the last few months.

So where I am now is 180. I've been at 180 for about a month and a half..maybe even two months. Frustrated, but this is usually the point I give up and gain back. I saw this picture and realized wow, I'm halfway to my goal..I can't give up now. So still working on my journey, but want to share my progress so far :) Right now I'm just trying to find the right calorie intake for me to start losing weight again. My nutritionist suggested to up my calories as I was eating 1200 and working out so much, so I've just been playing around with different numbers to find my sweet spot. I'll get there. Sorry for the long post, but wanted to share both my struggle and success. Thanks for the support!! :)

Also quickly wanted to share my Body Composition Analysis from the last two appointments since sometimes the scale can be the MOST frustrating thing, but you may still be making progress underneath:

December: Weight: 186 lbs

Body Fat: 82.5 lbs

Lean Body Mass: 103.6 lbs

February: Weight: 183

Body Fat: 76.3lbs!

Lean Body Mass 106.7 lbs

submitted by /u/bloomfield878
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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