Wednesday, February 13, 2019

halfway there

I'm 5'6" and currently at 175, down from 200ish when I started. My all-time ever high was 211. I'd like to see what 150 looks like. The lowest I've been in my adult life was 167 when I got booted from Weight Watchers for getting pregnant. 167 looked pretty good on me (big boned Scandinavian stock).

I'd like to start a detailed CI/CO journal but not enough to bother. Work full-time teaching an insane schedule and what little free time I have I want to do something amusing, not tedious.

I've been eating largely what I want but not necessarily when, or how much, I want. If I'm going to have something more caloric, I try to have it during the early part of the day. I'm also keeping high protein snacks available to munch on periodically. Other than that, lots of veggies, soups and popcorn.

Oh, and beer.

I've discovered that binges cost me an average of 3 lbs. I try to plan for them and make sure they're worth it. I'm always questioning if the things I'm putting in my mouth are making me happy enough to justify the calories.

I also started going to the fitness center at school after work most days for at least an hour. The hardest part about that was getting used to working out with a bunch of teenagers. Oy

For the first time in my life, I'm interested in getting toned as well as smaller. The reason?

Hot flashes. 😆

It's getting to the point that I really want (desperately need???) to strip down to as little as is socially acceptably possible at times. Which means bare arms. I'll be damned if I'm going to run around sleeveless with arms flapping in the wind.

So, other than the fitness center, I'm doing sit-ups and push-ups at home and dancing (nothing disciplined, I just blast music and dance around the house).

My biggest issue is smoking. I really want to quit but am worried the effort will sabotage my mental health and weight loss progress.

I've been able to "take breaks" while using a patch but can't keep it going for long.

With winter in full swing (my god i HATE February) my outdoor time is fairly nonexistent. When it's not a freezing pit of wtf, I love being outdoors. I'm hoping to fill up enough of my time in nicer weather with outdoor activity but now?

Just trying to get through it.

Sorry, this is pretty long.

I am interested in any food or activity suggestions anyone might care to share. Also any encouragement is most welcome! I don't really have a cheering squad in the vicinity. All of my super special peeps live in other states or on other continents.


submitted by /u/aixang
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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