Wednesday, February 13, 2019

My 2018 to now journey! (I weigh less than I have since 2016!)

I was 230lbs, 5'7" January 2018. I was in a bad relationship with a baker, and ate my feelings (and his sugary goods).

I was unhappy with myself, and had previously done short stints of dieting, but didn't feel in control of myself. I'd drop up to 20 pounds, but always creep back to 230.

Between the cheating (January), breakup (February), and eventual move out of my ex (May) the pounds were just shedding off. Instead of eating my feelings, I associated eating good food with my shitty ex so I had less of an attachment. I threw myself into work, and a new, healthier relationship. I started OMAD, having large lunches at work. I dropped from wearing large scrubs, to mediums.

In July, I had surgery. I had dropped to 180lb! I was grateful, while still overweight I was at a safer weight to go on the table. By the way, fastest weight loss ever! Just get parts of your body loped off. I also fit in the small scrub tops.

After surgery I relaxed my diet during recovery, since I wanted to let my body heal. Recovery turned into maintenance for the holidays, but I'm proud to say that I stayed hovered in the 175-180 range.

I started college this January. OMAD worked when I was working 12 hour shifts but now I need to eat before class to focus.

Instead, I am starting to cut down on meat and be vegetarian. It keeps me from eating the same burger every day.

I have a routine of oatmeal with a ridiculous amount of blueberries before class, soup of the day for lunch, and for dinner I try to use the salad bar in the evening before I go for the pasta/veggie burger options. I don't go for the pastries much anymore, eating them all the time reminds me of my ex.

I haven't been tracking for the past month, weight or food intake. For shits and giggles I pulled out my scale, and I'm 173.1lb! It's my lowest measured weight since 2015, I'm very proud.

I'm mostly happy with my weight now. I'm tired of buying new clothes. My next goal is to get fit. See y'all in bodyweight fitness subs next!

Thanks for reading, it makes me proud to see how far I've come. From a controlling relationship, a job that worked me too hard for minimum wage, and eating my feelings, to feeling attractive, higher education, and food discipline. I lost 50lb in 8 months, and have maintained for almost half a year.

Only problem: I don't know how to treat myself if not sugar foods! Non food reward recommendations please!

Tldr: I'm happier and healthier, dropped 280lbs of an ex and 50lbs of myself. OMAD and routines have been my saving graces.

submitted by /u/GrizzlyHugs
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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