Sunday, February 17, 2019

I'm finally below 250lbs!

And I could not be happier about it!

My weight loss adventure has been a massive on-off work in progress for years now, with me often trying diets for a month then giving up and going back to my box of cookies every night.

My most successful attempt was 2-3 years ago, just basic calorie counting and limiting. Set my daily allowance to 1600 (low for a guy like me but I hated eating in general at that point, to the extent where I considered dropping my favorite class, cooking, over it.) and went to town logging every tihng I eat or drink.

Over a few months, I brought myself down from ~255 to ~235lbs, with the help of my cousin taking my to the gym frequently during a month-long stay with family in Ontario.

Right after I got home at the end of August, I was about set to start Baking/food education at NAIT. Needless to say, my binge-eating was still terrible when sugar is involved.

Over 8 months of school, I put on 50lbs, bringing me up to 275lbs.

I hated myself so much over it. I was spending so much of my pocket money just on buying the stuff we made in class, be it cookies, fancy sweets, or the occasional decorated cake (that I totally ate myself).

Months on and off of attempts to go back to my prior success plan, with little success, brought me to a really crappy mindset over food.

Come about October 2018.My sister and I sit down, and have a serious discussion about my eating and exercise habits. She sets me up with a good weekly meal plan, being mostly vegetables + fish and eggs. I get back to logging my foods every day, all the time, since it really holds me accountable to my food choices.

It goes great up until late december/january, winter, seasonal depression and my normal depression are kicking my ass, and for a few weeks I go back to my frequent cheating. "Oh don't worry, I'll get myself back on track soon enough!", but plot twist, I didn't.

I finally had a day at the end of January where I had enough energy to kick my own ass back into gear, and decided that I'm going to try Keto again for the 4th(?) time.

I downloaded Carb Manager on my phone, logged like hell, bought all the veggies and such I would need to make it work, and honestly I've never felt better!

My starting weight before Keto was 262lbs, give or take 1-2lbs depending on the day, and after about 4 weeks I've brought myself down to 249!

Of course, I've been slacking on my workouts (5 days a week split into 5 diff muscle groups) but I'm still trying my best and that's what matters to me right now. I'm trying my best to live life and enjoy it, and without my huge high/lows, it's a lot easier to be in a decent mood most of the time.

EDIT: for those who like details;

Daily Calories right now are 1800 minimum, ideally below 2200 maximum on my bad days.
Macros: Fat/Protein/Carbs 70%/25%/5% 140g/113g/23g

submitted by /u/Busky648
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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