Monday, February 11, 2019

Milestone achievement, lost 10 percent body fat

My worst was 200 pounds even 25 percent body fat, but a couple days ago I weighed in at 152.5, 15 percent body fat. That's 27 pounds of fat loss with 50 pounds lost overall. I'm not really sure what all the rest my weight loss was.

I run under an 8 minute mile now, I can do ten pull ups in a row. I am almost ready to handle 30 pounds dumb bells for overhead press, and bicep curls.

The bulk of my weight loss was achieved using MyFitnessPal and a food scale.

I also follow a whole food, plant based diet. Cutting out the meat actually saves me money.

I wasn't one hundred percent perfect on the whole food part, but definitely stuck to plants.

The most important thing is general consistency. I forgave myself every time I wasn't perfect, because overall I was still better.

Anyway, I'm 5' 11" for those wondering. I still want to lose more weight, but while following a fitness routine. I aim to drop to 10 percent body fat, then turn it around and eat more food to go back up to 15 percent body fat. Hopefully next time I achieve 15 percent I weigh in at something like 154. My end goal is to get back up to 160, at around 12.5 percent body fat. Squarely in the middle of my BMI, with a percentage of fat that most would consider to be athletic.

I'm doing it. You can do it too. Good luck, and good work so far everyone.

submitted by /u/DuskGideon
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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