Tuesday, February 12, 2019

My New Beginning- 27F 5'6", CW334, GW180

Hi everyone. Writing this post as a way to give myself another means of accountability, and because I want to start kind of documenting my weight loss trail somewhere. I see so much support in r/loseit and thought it'd be a good idea to piggy back off of the sub.

Bit of background, I'm 27F and weigh 334lbs currently. January 2018, I weighed 355lbs and began my weight loss, getting down to 326 by May. Unfortunately, I broke my foot then and was side lined for two months. Just as I was getting out of the cast, I suffered a huge blow of my mum passing away from cancer. Mentally it seemed impossible to get back into things, I was stress eating and using vices to be closer to my mum (like drinking her favourite pop and smoking cigars). Fast forward another 2 months, and I had a freak accident where I re-broke my foot again (the breaks were done in baseball btw, I play slo-pitch and disc golf all throughout the summer). Needless to say, I really struggled last year and put some of the weight back on.

Now I'm finally mentally strong enough to attempt to get back into shape. I'm at the point in grief that I desperately need to get physical as an outlet. I've been physical and active my whole life, but really suffered from depression in the last 5 years since moving to a new city. This depression really got worse last year with the broken foot (which meant I was out almost all season from golf and ball) and with mum dying. Furthermore, I have GERD and developed an ulcer before Christmas which has caused me immense pain. So my doctor suggested I find my outlet for stress (for me is going to be physical) and work on that to help my stomach/ulcer pain and grief.

So where am I now? Since January 1st, I'm down 8lbs. I started making small changes to my diet (i.e. cutting back on pop) rather than making huge sweeping changes. I'm using MyFitnessPal, and aiming to hit my 2100 calorie goal each day. What differs from last year is that I don't stress myself out if I don't hit that goal. Also, I allow myself to have some cheat days now and then where I don't count calories. Last year, it caused me way too much stress counting on these days, so I'm kicking that habit.

I'm also trying to work my way back into the gym. It's a slow process because I don't want to guilt myself if I don't make it and cause more stress. When I do go, I'm slowly working back into things I used to do. First trip to the gym, I just walked on the treadmill for 1 hour and left. Second time, I did aqua fit. Last time, I was so proud because I added in a little bit of jogging on the treadmill. While I DO NOT think this was a mistake, I have since found some pain in my knee and foot. I live in Canada so it might be the weather (we are getting a massive snow storm) or it could be that the weight put pressure on my tender foot. Either way, I'm resting the foot and knee and going to focus on the elliptical and bike for my next trip. No point in hurting myself, but definitely need to keep working on getting into the gym habit.

Anyway, I'll leave it there for today. I just wanted to kind of introduce myself and start looking for some support here while I begin my journey!

submitted by /u/sensstar15
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2E6zTTr

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