Friday, February 1, 2019

(NSV/SV) One stone (14lb) down in a month, longest I've stuck with weight loss for years. Had to go down a notch on my watch strap!

Hi everyone, my stats are 29/F/5'8". I started around 211lbs, and would like to reach around 140lbs eventually but my first goal is to hit 180lb.

I like to weigh in every few days to keep an eye on things, I've found in the past if I avoid the scale because I am worried I've gained, I actually gain weight. I weighed in a few says ago and saw a 0.8lb gain. Rather than freak, I recall i went to the gym a day before and this can cause inflammation, so I kept my cool and waited until today to see if I had lost for the week. I weighed myself this morning and I'm now 196.6lbs! I actually did a booty shake with excitement haha.

Here's some small non-scale victories I've had so far:

I had to go down a notch on my Fitbit watch because it feels loose and was slipping about a bit.

My trousers for work aren't cutting into me anymore and I can wear then with the inside button fastened.

I'm not as sick with IBS. Less bloating, tiredness, cramps and toilet problems. Also finding I have less muscle soreness and less joint pain which I'd be experiencing a lot last year. I'm using less painkillers as a result.

I've don't have as many binge urges and on several occasions I have found I am making too much food for my tea and having to portion half and put it in the fridge for the next day, it's so satisfying to reduce my calories intake on MFP.

The way I have gone about it, and my tips are:

I am now vegetarian. I eat very little dairy too so I sub my normal yogs and cheese for alpro yogs and violife smoked cheese which both have less calories. My go to ice cream is halo Top or breyers, which are far lower in calories. My protein intake has switched to some Quorn, black beans, chickpeas, lentils and any other beans. They are so low in fat and calories compared to many meat sources.

My routine treats are a portion of veggie sweets, frozen fruit with either yog or ice cream, reduced calorie hot choc with squirty cream, popchips or tofu jerky. I weigh it all out, sometimes I prepare my planned snacks out whilst making my tea so they're there for my evening cravings.

Nothing is off-limits, obviously not eating meat because of ethical reasons, but if I want something, I portion it or plan for it. I eat pierogi, pizza, cheese, crisps, potatoes etc. But I plan to have a tonne of veg with them. I often add the veg to my fitness pal first then work around it. Lots of seasoning really helps make veg exciting. I had a chocolate today in work from a gift box we were given, but I picked my favourite flavour then left the staffroom with it in my hand.

I don't eat breakfast. I've never been mad on it, lots of hot coffee helps. Fasting helps me reduce intake. I have a busy and demanding job so I don't notice hunger until lunch. I take spare pears into work for hunger if it strikes. I get my lunch for free, so I have a set meal agreed with the catering staff that I collect at break time before lunch so I don't even have the option to choose the fried stuff. Routine helps.

I learnt to just say no thanks, or even nothing at all if someone is pushy or offering me a temptation. Don't need to explain myself or show I'm tempted. Just a straight no thank you works. I find being veggie limits my choices, but in a good way. As someone with poor control restricting the world of food and viewing it as sustenance rather than an indulgence really helps me evaluate.

I've had treat meals and gone over calories but these are getting more infrequent and less severe because they don't seem so important. I do drink still, but only one or two gins, or a nice beer. Something I get enjoyment from.

I've not been in the gym much, so weightloss is obviously doable without exercise, but once I lose more I'll get back into it. I wanted to prioritise my diet first rather than overwhelming me.

I really hope next month I will be telling you I lost another ten pounds, I'm excited!

Thanks for reading.

submitted by /u/tanvscullen
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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