Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Question for those who have successfully lost weight...

I’m recovering from binge eating disorder and I know that it’s something I’ll struggle with my whole life. For the most part, I’ve been doing so well. In the past month I’ve lost over 13 lbs and have faithfully weighed all my food and tracked everything. But twice now I’ve fallen off the rails and eaten at my maintenance calories and I’m being really hard on myself.

It only ever lasts a day (I get right back on track the following day), and I track my binges and I am making process because now when I binge I go over by like 600 calories. This is a huge progress because my binges used to be 3-4000 calories a day and would last days.

And like I said... the few times this has happened, I’ve just met my maintenance calories.

So my question is - for those of you who have managed to successfully lose weight... did you ever have days like this? I’m kind of hard on myself and I follow a bunch of weight loss accounts on Instagram and look at all those success stories and think to myself “these people didn’t get where they are by fucking up” so I dunno if I’m just being hard on myself and maybe people have been successful have totally had days like this.

submitted by /u/allicandoistry
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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