Saturday, February 16, 2019

The best 125 days I could have asked for, thanks to /r/loseit! (25/M/5'10.5", SW 208.4lbs -> GW 165.0lbs)

From the first post I made on this sub, I thought about the day when I could make my own post about my successful weight loss. After getting so much inspiration from so many others who had shared their stories, I wondered what my own would look like after I finally reached my goal. What would I have to say? What would a lurker who's thinking about starting their Day 1 think if they saw this post?

I guess after all this time, I want to keep things simple and say this: Thank you, /r/loseit. All of you.

The pictures I'm sure everyone clicks these to see: Before and Today

Some stats:

Starting Weight: 208.4lbs - Oct. 14, 2018 Current Weight: 164.4lbs - Feb. 16, 2019 Weight Lost: 44.0lbs Avg Loss/Day: 0.35lbs Avg Loss/Week: 2.44lbs % of Body Lost: 21.11% BMI: 29.1 -> 22.9

I had lurked /r/loseit now and then before I officially began my Day 1, usually whenever I had bouts of inspiration to start losing. I had small bits of success in the past on my own, but I would quickly fall into the same habits that made me overweight in the first place. When I browsed /r/loseit and saw all the resources that were available and all the encouragement that everyone would have for one another, I knew that when I finally decided to start on my journey, I could check into this community and find some regular inspiration.

I eventually reached the point where I knew I had to change - what Tim Ferriss calls the "Harajuku Moment" in his book The 4-Hour Body. My clothes weren't fitting right. I avoided looking into mirrors whenever I could. I wasn't happy with how I looked, but I was making no efforts to change that, and I always seemed to talk myself out of any moments of inspiration I had to make the changes I wanted. Then my now-ex girlfriend wrote me a long letter listing all the faults she saw in our relationship, and the very first thing she covered was how she felt I had let myself go, and she was losing her attraction to me.

I made my Day 1 post here not long after that, and I've browsed /r/loseit every day since. I think having this community played a direct role in keeping me accountable, because after all the support I saw here, I didn't want to let anyone down by disappearing and losing all my progress. I mostly stuck to the NSV/SV daily threads, celebrating flair changes as they came, encouraging others as they shared their daily experiences, and picking up new tips along the way.

It's thanks to /r/loseit that I found a sustainable diet that worked for me (the Slow Carb Plan from the book I linked above, and then a simpler CICO as I got closer to my goal weight). It's thanks to /r/loseit that when my life hit challenge after challenge (car troubles, my relationship ending, getting laid off and spending almost two months unemployed), I could turn to here for comfort and encouragement instead of my refrigerator. It's thanks to /r/loseit that I'm healthier both physically and mentally.

I couldn't have done this without this community, and I'm grateful that this place will continue to inspire others along their own weight-loss journeys. I reached my goal in 125 days, and logging onto /r/loseit each of those days has helped make this 125 some of the best I could have asked for, despite all the hardships I faced along the way. So...thank you, everyone!

If you're still in the middle of your own journey: I'm proud of you! You can do it! Keep going!

If you're thinking about starting: You can do this! No matter how much you have to lose, whether it's 5 lbs or 150 lbs, YOU CAN DO THIS! All it takes is finding your own Harajuku Moment. Find what inspires you, and don't let yourself lose sight of that.

submitted by /u/SpoliyCG
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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