Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Why do fake science, fad diets and easy fixes have a strong footing in social media?

So I saw this family member of mine share some video about a drink consisting of boiling lemon slices and ginger being the "key" to weight loss and you could lose 10lbs in a week drinking this water. I didn't really pay attention to it except when I scrolled it got so many likes and comments about people who say they're going to try it out and such.

This person has asked me about weight loss before since I've lost a large portion of weight and my goals have changed more towards bodybuilding so my physique is changing drastically, so my body is "the end result" most people expect from just losing weight without exercising (doesn't happen that way unfortunately)

You can skip this part, its all the things we talked about

I went to talk about the basics of weight loss with CICO. Then the topic of paleo came up, which I personally find pointless, its just CICO with a lot of dietary restrictions. Then Keto came up. I tried to give a summarized abridged college biochemistry section on metabolism in the course of an hour or two. I explained that it does work and you do lose weight but you just shift your metabolism from using Glucose to using Free Fatty Acid/Ketone Bodies, but in the end it is just CICO and the laws of thermodynamics that causes weight loss. Keto isn't really special, unless the types of food you eat in keto helps you keep adherence to a consistent caloric deficit diet or if you have neurological issues that ketone bodies as a source of fuel instead of glucose could help with, such as reducing seizures. Then the subject of bodybuilding came up and I gave some broscience tips on the amount of protein to eat, programs to start lifting. 5x5 stronglifts is a really good program to start with for beginners by the way. What and how macros work. And I even shared some studies from the Journal of Physiology and the Journal of Biological Chemistry about hypertrophy, various studies on muscle activation, muscle protein synthesis and misc things like the protein timing myth. I told them to message me if they wanted to know more stuff and such. They have randomly but it doesn't seem like they listen to anything I tell them so after a while I don't really comment on those posts about weight loss fixes.

Continue reading here

After all that and almost a year later they still look the same. They share things about drinking a tea to slim down. Here's a recipe of some sort of water with a random fruit and ginger in it to lose 10lbs. Here's some fat burners that will make you lose weight.

TDLR; I just don't understand how people believe those fake weight loss posts. If you really tried those water recipes or spent money on those pills, they would still give you zero results. Drink some lemon ginger tea or swallow a questionable pill with your daily caloric surplus and end up at the same weight if not more. Yet people eat it up and get stuck in putting their faith in it even after being given some sound information that does work if you implemented it.

submitted by /u/pwn3dbyth3n00b
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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