Sunday, March 24, 2019

100lbs lost and hit a plateau for two months. 31M

I’ve struggled with my weight my entire life. At my heaviest I weighed 315lbs. My wife and I both hit 100lbs loss a couple of weeks ago. Prior to this from 2011-2016 we had done every fad you can think of; keto, paleo, HCG, weightwatchers, nutrisystem, etc. The weight loss never stayed and we’d gain it all back, me more than her.

End of 2016 we did our first Whole30, it was a game changer for us but it took a while. The more Whole30s completed the closer to food freedom we were. Between rounds I would do well for a while and then start slipping up and gain most of my weight back. Fast forward to late 2018. For the first time in my life I actually started exercising, not much but some.

I started the year off at 232 LBs January we completed our 9th round of whole30. It finally clicked for me, I could live my life after whole30 and eat well, exercise and maintain my weight. Maintaining is the problem though, I still need to lose weight. So we started counting calories and for a month not a pound was lost. My wife was around 1300 calories a day and I was at 1600 calories a day. With HIIT at orange theory, two times a week for me and 4-5 times a week for my wife, we realized we weren’t eating nearly enough.

Thats when I found TDEE calculators and determined I need to be around 2300 calories a day for “aggressive weight loss” and my wife 1600. First week we both finally dropped some weight but now we are stagnant again. Most days we were really close and maybe went over two days a week due to eating out and a couple beers.

I’m beyond ecstatic that I haven’t gained weight but I really need to lose some more. We are starting a Whole30 this week which means we can’t count calories but we aren’t really sure how to move forward from here.

submitted by /u/FluffyTripel
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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