Sunday, March 24, 2019

My thoughts, 6 months in

September 24th, 2018 my weight was 277lbs.

This morning, March 24th, 2019 my weight is 214 lbs.

63 pounds in 6 months feels pretty great, especially considering my initial goal was 50 pounds by the one year mark. And not that it’s been a breeze, but losing weight has been way easier than I thought it would be. I regret not giving my best effort years ago, when I would come up with a thousand excuses of why I wasn’t successfully losing weight.

When I first started I was really discouraged because I felt like all of the examples I saw of people at my start weight had surgery to assist weight loss, and it seemed like I would have to follow a strict set of rules about which foods/food types to eat/avoid.

I don’t do Keto, no intermittent fasting, I eat out about once a week and don’t skip on the bun or fries with my burger, I had a brownie for breakfast yesterday. I haven’t been to a gym in years. I dont weigh my food, and I don’t log every meal, or snack, or condiment.

I do sporadically track my calories, especially if it’s a food or meal I don’t eat often, and I did weigh meat portions out when I first started so I could keep in my mind what a portion looked like. I started using dairy free milk in recipes, mostly almond but sometimes coconut. Despite the brownie for breakfast yesterday, I don’t eat desserts daily like I used to, and I am aware of foods I easily over-eat like pizza, spaghetti, beef, and ice cream, and those foods are more of a special occasion food now. I think the bottom line for me is being honest with myself about how much I eat.

I’m not trying to bash anyone who does follow a diet or method, just trying to encourage someone to know that they have other options.

Edit because it’s 2019. Lol.

submitted by /u/macandsierra
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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