Friday, March 15, 2019

25 lbs

I know this sub requires a lot of text to get the post, so I will fill in the details. Around late December of this year, I went for my first physical in about 2-3 years (probably closer to 3 but I can't remember). Anyways, the doctor-- as usual, said my health looked good but I was overweight,. He told me that now that I am in my 30s it was time to lose some weight. I listened-- and as usual-- thought that if I got back to exercising then the weight would fall off. So, I kept up my biking and lifting, and well, avoided the scale. because I hate stepping on scales (I'm sure many of us know this feeling). Well, a few days later I got a call from the doctor letting me know that my cholesterol (specifically, my triglycerides) were "extremely high" and that I would need to start on a medicine. I don't know if it was the shock of the phone call -- or just my own lack of understanding, but something snapped in me. I am a young father with two kids and a wife. I am turning 35 this year, and I realized, that I have a lot of my life ahead of me, but this could be the start of something really bad if I don't get it under control.

So I set out to make some changes. I have never really had a problem with eating healthy-- my problem, my whole life, has been the amount of food I ate. Avocados are healthy, right? Well, of course they are, but for me, I neglected that being healthy does not equate to minimal calories. So I started tracking my calories, exercising with more consistency, and ultimately, portioning out my foods and meals.

Fast forward to two months later, today. I am down 24.4 (I'll round up and say 25!) lbs. I am seeing my doctor for the first time in 2 months (since I saw him for the physical). I did have a follow up blood test about a month ago which said that my triglycerides were "perfect" according to one of the nurses. I am nervous and excited-- I am on an amazing track with my weight and health. It is hard to believe that two months ago I was "healthy" in my own belief, but I did not see the signs. I thought that healthy eating and exercise were all that mattered. And honestly, they do matter: but calories matter a lot. So, I go back to the doctor today, feeling like I did when I was 16 and an athlete.

The journey is beginning-- though I met my weight loss goal. I am committed to my well being, and I know that I can keep the weight off if I stay vigilant and proactive. In two weeks I turn, 35: kind of humbling and exciting. I have the rest of my life ahead of me to be healthy, in both weight and fitness.

So to those out there who are battling the weight loss, please know that I am with you in spirit. I let it get out of hand-- without being honest with myself. But so many of you have inspired me, and I hope that my post inspires you. Today is one of the first times (since I can remember, at least) that I am excited to see my physician. In fact, I told my mother-- only partially joking-- that I was going to absolutely make sure that they took my weight (normally they would not weigh me again if they took my weight only two months ago). But today, they will absolutely get my weight.

Best wishes to all of you who are climbing this mountain with me. What an amazing community of people this is. Wishing everyone much health and happiness.

One quick request: if anyone has any tips for sustaining the weight loss, please send them to me. I know that my calorie and food tracking is important, but I welcome any and all suggestions. Thanks.

submitted by /u/Elabaltimore
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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